Twitter:. The board can have access to this account via TweetDeck.

17 Mar 2021, 18:14
Twitter: The board can have access to this account via TweetDeck. It allows for collaborators and users to manage the social account without the password or settings. Removes any issues with account being compromised and allows multiple people to manage this. I will have the board provide me with their Twitter usernames for access. This allows full use of the Twitter. Any Immoral or Illegal activity and that persons account would be removed and blacklisted. @mang0s @krispykreme @Amosity @Youhavefound_4kbtc @Nano_Believer @bwedwin @vanpe Please publicly provide your Twitter Accounts. I will add these for access. As the governance is built out the community can add or remove users as needed. Community Funds; These can be used as needed based on snapshot governance proposals and a vote done by the community. At this time I will issue funds accordingly. The community will be in charge of actionable and accountability as per the snapshot proposal if it passes. Website: I will get the login details and provide edit access to those who the community decides should help with this! Moving Forward: Any proposals on moving forward should be done via the snapshot page and a formal proposal with outlines should be made. The community can vote on this. The snapshot page will become the community DAO.